Vi på Kompass har förmånen att få uppdrag från och arbeta med kompetenta, intressanta och vänliga klienter. Vi är otroligt stolta över våra klienter och att just vi har fått förtroendet att hjälpa dem i en mängd varierande frågor och uppdrag.
Vad tycker då våra klienter om oss? I den senaste rankingen av Legal500 har Kompass återigen blivit rankade inom områdena försäkring och dataskydd. Här kommer ett urval av de fina lovord vi fått inom ramen för rankingen.
‘A law firm with a familial atmosphere with a genuine team and individuals that are very nice to work with. The team at Kompass Advokat have very good skills in this specific legal area and are highly synced with the need of the client. They are able to give a high standard of legal counselling along the way from junior to more senior and partner levels.’
‘Anna Lööv stands out. She is very engaged, knowledgeable, commercially minded and gives very sensible advice. We feel very confident with her assistance in issues related to insurance, including outsourcing arrangements. She guides her team very well and we have appreciated the assistance we have received from her team members.’
‘Partner Kawin Mårtensson has a personal approach and professional knowledge and experience in insurance and pension foundation matters that’s hard to find among competitors.’
‘They understand our business and are nice to work with.’
‘The practice group consists of a number of talented young lawyers led by the firm’s managing partner Anna Lööv. The team is flexible and provides solid legal advice.’
‘Anna Lööv has deep knowledge within the data protection field. She has excellent communication skills and can reach out to a broad range of individuals. She is also highly available and provides hands-on legal advice with good market knowledge.’
‘Stellar team with Anna Lööv as the outstanding leader, no other lawyer comes close as to her skills and business mindset in the area of privacy and data protection law.’
‘Kompass is a niche firm with high integrity, skilled partners and strong reputation within the insurance industry and the data protection area.’
Stort tack till våra klienter och samarbetspartners!
Hör givetvis av dig om du är intresserad av att få reda på hur vi på Kompass kan hjälpa dig!